Join Cumulus and Countryside Credit Union for the FREE family friendly Halloween BOO-Tacular Friday, October 25th 5 to 7:30pm at Drivers Village, Cicero.
*Trick or treating at over 15 locations in Drivers Village 5-7:30pm, with free reusable trick-or-treat bags courtesy of BASCOL
*Free Coloring Contest
*Free Photo Booth from Paladino’s Cicero Pizza
*Costume Parade & Contest to win prizes thanks to Sidney Federal Credit Union
Registration 5- 6:30. Costume parade starts at 6:30pm where they will parade upstairs by the judges. Winners announces after all age groups have gone through the parade.
Age Groups
Thanks to:

Venue: Drivers Village
5885 Cir Dr E
Cicero, NY 13039
Cicero, NY 13039
Phone: (877) 514-1748
Website: http://driversvillage.com