CC isn't CC. Joe Girardi Must Learn.
By: Mike Lindsley
Have you noticed all of the bad starts by CC Sabathia the last two years? Have you noticed the 85-90 MPH fastball that gets rocked to right field and left field and center field and in the gaps and up the lines and through the infield and out of the park? Have you noticed the lack of a change-up? Have you noticed the big innings? Have you noticed the laboring? Have you noticed a guy who isn't an ace and hasn't been for some time now?
I am sure the answer is yes to all of the above. Because you aren't delusional.
Unlike Joe Girardi.
See, the skipper of the Yankees is still completely floating in outer space where his "ace" is concerned. CC Sabathia either "didn't have his stuff" or "just missed on a couple pitches." Maybe it's that he was "lacking a little control" or the ultimate best from the manager, "he just couldn't get going."
These are all Girardi-isms when it comes to his overpaid, overaged ace. Girardi doesn't understand that CC is shot. Or he does and won't admit it to the fish bowl New York media because he doesn't want to do that to his player (Joe G. always defends his players remember, pine tar or steroids be damned). Sabathia is a 33-year old trapped in a 40-year old body because of the 2008 playoff run with the Brewers and all those innings in Cleveland and all those innings in New York from the 2009 title year until now. Oh, and he's owed $71 million through 2016.
The quicker Girardi realizes Sabathia is toast, the quicker the pitching staff can reform and Sabathia can feel more comfortable. Would it be a shot to the ego of CC if he were bumped from the #1 rotation spot? Maybe, but Derek Jeter can't hit the ball the other way and is retiring very soon because he is done. He cannot hit the ball to the other side of the field and misses pretty much everything at the plate these days. All ballplayers lose their battle with time. And you know the Yankees will NEVER send a name like Sabathia to the minor leagues, especially with the money on that ridiculous, albatross contract.
This isn't a knock on CC Sabathia the guy. He is wonderful. Personable. Charitable. But as a pitcher, his best days are behind him. 40,000 big league pitches or so will do that to you. So will 2,800-plus innings.
Joe Girardi has to realize that CC Sabathia is cooked if he doesn't already.
And if he does realize it, he needs to do something about it.